Friday, October 17, 2014

The Spell of the Sorcerer's Skull

At this time of year, I like to reread some of my favorite spooky stories, especially books from the John Bellairs  book series. I also enjoy revisiting many of my favorite Edward Gorey illustrations and book cover designs. The Spell of the Sorcerer's Skull has one of my favorite Gorey-designed covers from the series, and it is an image that always puts me in a Halloween frame of mind! From the skull nestled into the typography to the jack-o-lantern in the window, this wonderful image compels me to pick this book up and read it in October.


  1. I do so agree! Sorcerer's Skull is one of my favorites, and the cover is fantastic. That little skull.

  2. I've loved John Bellairs books with those covers since my age was in the single digits. I read mostly digitally now, but I still like to have particularly collection-worthy physical books. A few years back when I realized they had stopped using the Gorey covers on the new releases, I bought old original versions of the all the hardcovers with the Gorey dust jackets.
