In 1975, Edward Gorey created a poster for the Trinity Square Repertory Company for their
Lillian Hellman Tribute, which consisted of productions of two plays which Hellman wrote. This poster has a rather curious history.
For many years, Gotham Book Mart had displayed a framed copy of the poster in their second floor gallery. The piece was always a favorite of my partner Bill's, and we asked if GBM had any for sale. After checking, we were informed that the posters must have been mislaid - the only copy they could find was the framed piece (which was not for sale). I would check every two years or so, but the posters were not to be found.

Sometime around 2000 (I can't remember the exact year, but it was after Mr. Gorey had died), one of these posters showed up on eBay. I contacted Gotham to find out if they had found them, was told the poster would soon be available, and was able to acquire one.
What happened is this: The theater was cleaning out storage space and was throwing away old posters, programs, etc. Someone not connected with the theater did a "dumpster dive" and retrieved a stash of these posters, then put one up on eBay. GBM saw the posting, contacted the seller and was able to acquire the entire stash of saved posters! It turns out that only one poster was ever sent to Gotham in 1975, and the remaining stock were in storage at the theater for over 25 years until they were saved from a dumpster!