Friday, March 4, 2011

An Interesting NYTimes Article

This article about Edward Gorey appeared in the New York Times.


Philip said...

Many thanks for the link - very interesting. The article is written by Mark Dery who, reports suggest, has been awarded the contract to write the (authorised?) biography of Gorey.

ampootozote said...

Mark Dery is working on a biography of Edward Gorey. I am not sure if the estate is being helpful or not, but I liked the way this article was written and it had lots of good information.

ampootozote said...

The article was printed in today's Minneapolis Star Tribune, so it will probably be making the rounds to other newspapers nationwide.

M. Dery said...

Philip, Ampootozote: Thanks for the plaudits. My Gorey biography, which will be published by Little, Brown in 2013, is *not* authorized. Authorized biographies have their virtues---access to the estate's archives being one of them---but so do unauthorized biographies, most notably total intellectual freedom for the author. Best, M. Dery