Monday, October 5, 2020

Happy 12th Anniversary Goreyana!

On October 5, 2008 I began this blog about all things Edward Gorey as a way to reconnect with my collection and to share information and stories that I had picked up over the years.

The Gotham Book Mart had closed in 2007 and with that closing, a major source of information about Edward Gorey and his works had ceased to exist. GBM had never embraced the internet and it was difficult to find accurate information about his works, so I felt there was an informational void that I could possibly help fill.

Over the past 12 years, I have been continually delighted and honored by the number of people who have written to tell me that they found helpful information in my blog posts. 

Thank you for checking out my blog posts and offering your insights and comments. I look forward to the beginning of year 13 of Goreyana and to celebrating the life and works of Edward Gorey.


Todd Kadrie said...

Happy 12th Irwin!

Michael Ligot said...

Thank you very much! Your blog has been a valuable source of information on Gorey.

Pixel Pixie said...

Thanks for keeping the Gorey memory alive!

mkh said...

A very belated Happy Birthday!!! Thank you so much for continuing to provide your
wonderful information and insights!