Thursday, August 1, 2024

Auction News

As part of their Summer Cocktail Soiree at the Strand Bookstore in New York City, the Edward Gorey Charitable Trust auctioned 22 items on Wednesday July 31, 2024. Included in the lots were books, posters, prints, personal items, and original artwork by Edward Gorey. Every lot offered was sold and the proceeds will benefit the Trust's charitable endeavors.

Of particular interest were three personal items owned and used by Edward Gorey including a pair of mod sunglasses ($1550.00), an art pen ($1150.00) used by Mr. Gorey for illustration work, and a large chameleon ring ($1675.00). Prints and posters realized strong auction prices with many unusual print editions being represented.

Rounding out the auction items were five pieces of original illustration artwork. A rare design for a coffee mug related to Mystery!, the popular television program from the 1990's on PBS sold for $4750.00. This delightful image shows a lady and gentleman eyeing up each other in a conspiratorial way while another woman lays dead on the floor, presumably having drunk a glass of wine that had been tampered with. Who done it? We can only guess!

Other original art included an illustration from 1986 for an issue of Vogue magazine ($4500.00 pictured at the top of this post), an image of Lizzie Borden created for use as a postcard ($5750.00 two pieces of art, pictured at the bottom of the post), and a fantastic full color painting for the cover of the book Things: Stories of Terror and Shock ($6250.00).

Rounding out the art being offered was an important Christmas card image from 1959/1960 that Edward Gorey created for The Looking Glass Library ($5000.00). This whimsical image captures the innocent playfulness of childhood while paying homage to Mr. Gorey's fondness for toys and stuffed animals.

This was the second annual Summer Cocktail Soiree hosted by the Edward Gorey Charitable Trust and friends and fans are already anticipating the next gathering!

All images courtesy The Edward Gorey Charitable Trust

1 comment:

CJ said...

Wonderful how he turns even a volcano into a character!