Created as a sales tool for automobile showrooms beginning in the 1940's, Friends Magazine is an odd place to find Edward Gorey illustrations, but they are there! Chevrolet produced this magazine from around 1948 into the 1980's as a giveaway extolling the virtues of owning your own car so you could travel and see the "real" America. Article topics included places of interest, family pastimes and even recipes - usually for picnic foods. Of course, in between all the articles were ads for the latest cars being produced by Chevrolet!
I have an enlarging collection of Friends, some of which are shown below.
How did Gorey's artwork end up in a car magazine? The art director for Friends was a personal friend of Edward Gorey's. Robert Weeks commissioned spot illustrations for the magazine and the drawings Gorey created were primarily of children playing. Gorey presented the original drawings to Mr. Weeks after they were used, and they remained in his collection until 1993 when they were obtained by Gotham Book Mart, becoming available to the market for the first time. I will show some of these images in later posts.