Over the years, there have been prints, both individual images and series prints, made from Mr. Gorey's artwork. In the prints shown here, Mr. Gorey usually had very little or no direct involvement with the production process, apart from signing them. Images were chosen from his books or from pieces or art which he created for other purposes. As will all statements of this kind, there are exceptions!

The earliest series of prints made from Gorey images were a set of seven serigraphs produced in 1975 by Diogenes Verlag for their Galerie Daniel Keel in Zurich Switerzerland (according to Malcolm Whyte in Goreyography).

There is an ongoing series of prints created by the Edward Gorey House featuring prints of various images, sizes, and limitations. The editions are available unnumbered, numbered, or lettered.

The next journey (in a future post, or probably posts) into the world of Gorey prints will focus on his etchings and colographs.