Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Fraught Settee

With The Fraught Settee, Edward Gorey once again showcases more of his Q.R.V. verses. Each verse features a settee upon which a person (or persons) are partaking of cake and Q.R.V. The drawings are beautiful and intricate, but I must confess that I have always been a little disappointed that there are only six selections in this book.

Published by the Fantod Press in 1990 in a signed, limited edition of 500 numbered copies, I am showing copy #361/500. The title of the book does not appear on the cover - a rarity for books by Edward Gorey. The Black Doll makes an appearance on the cover resting on the cushion strewn settee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was also a bit underwhelmed by the paper stock.