At the beginning of the month I posted some newly recognized images from Edward Gorey's 1974 Graham Gallery Exhibition entitled Plain & Coloured Drawings. Recognizing these images had inspired me to hunt through day planners and calendars that I have not looked through in some time.
Looking at Gorey Rare, an engagement calendar published by Pomegranate in 2007, I have located two more images from this show. The number refers to the original list from the exhibition. These are both wonderful drawings full of humor in one and foreboding in the other.
25. Tennis
46. Peas

I don't have any information to add, but I equate tennis from this era with Monty Python's Salad Days:
I love this...The Python sketch was first aired in England on November 30, 1972 and I do not know when it was aired in the States. This is probably a case of "great minds thinking alike", but there could be a more direct connection.
Edward Gorey was a Culture Vulture of art forms high and low and I believe the nonsense of Monty Python's Flying Circus would have appealed to him.
The tennis picture appears on the cover of a magazine supplement called "Town & Country's Select Guide to the Ins and Outs of Tennis". I have looked through my copy and no publication date is given but scanning the text I would estimate that the supplement was printed in early 1974. Does that mean the picture was first prepared for the magazine or the exhibition?! A copy of the supplement is being sold by "E Wharton & Co" and can be found on their website.
Thanks for finding this image as a printed piece...I am only guessing that the piece was included in Graham and am looking of confirmation or condemnation of this theory. I would say that since it was used elsewhere, it is probably not the Tennis piece from the show, but still not sure...
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