Sunday, February 9, 2025

From Ted to Tom, The Illustrated Envelopes of Edward Gorey

From Ted to Tom, The Illustrated Envelopes of Edward Gorey is an illustrated glimpse into Edward Gorey's friendship with Tom Fitzharris. The book reproduces each of the 50 hand painted envelopes Mr. Gorey sent to Mr. Fitzharris between July 8, 1974 and July 26, 1975. Excerpts from the enclosed letters appear alongside enclosures from the missives. 

Tom Fitzharris met Edward Gorey after purchasing one of the works Gorey exhibited at his Graham Gallery exhibition (April 23 through May 18, 1974). The style and variety of the envelope art shown in From Ted to Tom is a visual extension of the works Edward Gorey created for the exhibition, but with the added depth of personal references in the paintings. A friendship was established that inspired not only the illustrated envelopes, but also L'Heure Bleue, a book published by Edward Gorey in 1975. 

The hand lettered enclosures are thought provoking quotes from authors and artists. At the end of the book, Mr. Fitzharris details many of the visual and written references from the missives.

During the 1970's Edward Gorey spent the summer months rooming with his extended family at their home on Cape Cod and would return to his apartment in New York City when the New York City Ballet season commenced. Tom Fitzharris would visit the Cape and many of the summer letters reference these visits in their visual blandishments. According to the notes at the back of the book, the above envelope was inspired when Mr. Gorey was driving and saw what appeared to be a boat oar floating in mid air. It turned out that the oar was affixed to the porch of a home, but the image of a floating oar stuck with the artist.

There has long been curiosity about these extraordinary envelopes. As early as 2002 a selection of six were featured in a New Yorker article (with Mr. Fitzharris's name altered). The Edward Gorey House also displayed a selection around this time. From then until this publication the envelopes were mentioned on occasion but were rarely, if ever seen.

Edward Gorey had been elaborately decorating letters to family and friends since the 1940's and these communications often featured paintings on the envelopes. It is not surprising that the letters were saved and after his death in April 2000 a number of these extraordinary pieces began to be shared by the recipients. Peter Neumeyer published his collection of letters in Floating Worlds, The Letters of Edward Gorey and Peter Neumeyer (Pomegranate 2011). The Neumeyer letters were written for roughly one year beginning in September 1968. Floating Worlds shows the illustrated envelopes but focuses on the content of the letters.

From Ted to Tom has been carefully and beautifully designed, presenting each of the 50 numbered envelopes in order. Edward Gorey enjoyed sending and receiving letters and postcards in the mail. This form of interaction between people is unfortunately dying away as electronic communications have made instant messaging the norm. What will future generations have to ponder of today's communications between people?

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