Tuesday, April 27, 2010

An Interesting List

At the back of many books by Edward Gorey, there was often a checklist of published books and works "in preparation". One of the upcoming titles was a book called, An Interesting List. On my blog posting from April 19, 2009, there was a comment asking if I knew what became of this particular title, since it had never been published.

This week, an Anonymous follower of this blog pointed out that one drawing from An Interesting List appears in the 2007 Gorey Rare day planner. I enjoyed the comment and thought others would like seeing the drawing, so here it is!

1 comment:

Diane Irvine Armitage said...

Wow - LOVE your blog! I just discovered it today whilst doing a search for Gorey's Dracula set designs. I can't wait to read all of your posts - what fun!